Posted by joncooper


One of the ways I’ve been studying the Word of God is by making a list of everything that each book of the Bible teaches. This has resulted in more than a thousand pages of material. Although it’s interesting and I’ve learned a lot from writing it, that’s a lot of bullet points to read through!

The purpose of these short books is to extract the most interesting insights from that massive list. This isn’t intended to summarize each book of the Bible because that’s what my “Chapter Summary of the Bible” is for. It’s also not intended to offer in-depth commentary because that’s what my regular commentary is for. This book is simply a collection of points that I found interesting.

I hope there’s some material here that you find edifying.


06/30/2024: Insights from Isaiah (PDF file; 57 pages.)

06/07/2024: Insights from Ezekiel (PDF file; 48 pages.)

06/02/2024: Insights from Proverbs (PDF file; 50 pages.)

06/01/2024: Insights from Psalms (Book 1 – Psalm 1 to 41) (PDF file; 36 pages.)

06/01/2024: Insights from Song of Solomon (PDF file; 11 pages.)

05/28/2024: Insights from 1 Corinthians (PDF file; 31 pages.)

05/27/2024: Insights from Revelation (PDF file; 51 pages.)

05/26/2024: Insights from Romans (PDF file; 36 pages.)

05/24/2024: Insights from Daniel (PDF file; 34 pages.)

05/22/2024: Insights from Nehemiah (PDF file; 25 pages.)

05/21/2024: Insights from 2 Corinthians (PDF file; 30 pages.)

05/19/2024: Insights from Hebrews (PDF file; 28 pages.)

05/18/2024: Insights from Ecclesiastes (PDF file; 25 pages.)

05/17/2024: Insights from Hosea (PDF file; 22 pages.)

05/16/2024: Insights from Ezra (PDF file; 19 pages.)

05/15/2024: Insights from Zechariah (PDF file; 24 pages.)

05/13/2024: Insights from Amos (PDF file; 19 pages.)

05/11/2024: Insights from 1 Timothy (PDF file; 19 pages.)

05/10/2024: Insights from 1 Peter (PDF file; 21 pages.)

05/08/2024: Insights from 2 Timothy (PDF file; 21 pages.)

05/06/2024: Insights from James (PDF file; 18 pages.)

05/04/2024: Insights from Esther (PDF file; 14 pages.)

05/04/2024: Insights from 2 Peter (PDF file; 20 pages.)

05/02/2024: Insights from Galatians (PDF file; 17 pages.)

05/02/2024: Insights from Ephesians (PDF file; 17 pages.)

05/01/2024: Insights from 1 Thessalonians (PDF file; 14 pages.)

05/01/2024: Insights from 2 Thessalonians (PDF file; 13 pages.)

05/01/2024: Insights from Colossians (PDF file; 14 pages.)

05/01/2024: Insights from Joel (PDF file; 12 pages.)

05/01/2024: Insights from Malachi (PDF file; 13 pages.)

05/01/2024: Insights from Micah (PDF file; 12 pages.)

05/01/2024: Insights from Philippians (PDF file; 16 pages.)

04/30/2024: Insights from 1 John (PDF file; 12 pages.)

04/30/2024: Insights from Habakkuk (PDF file; 11 pages.)

04/30/2024: Insights from Jonah (PDF file; 11 pages.)

04/30/2024: Insights from Lamentations (PDF file; 10 pages.)

04/30/2024: Insights from Ruth (PDF file; 11 pages.)

04/30/2024: Insights from Titus (PDF file; 11 pages.)

04/29/2024: Insights from 2 John (PDF file; 8 pages.)

04/29/2024: Insights from 3 John (PDF file; 9 pages.)

04/29/2024: Insights from Haggai (PDF file; 9 pages.)

04/29/2024: Insights from Jude (PDF file; 10 pages.)

04/29/2024: Insights from Nahum (PDF file; 10 pages.)

04/29/2024: Insights from Obadiah (PDF file; 10 pages.)

04/29/2024: Insights from Philemon (PDF file; 9 pages.)

04/29/2024: Insights from Zephaniah (PDF file; 10 pages.)