Posted by joncooper

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E-Books – Non-Fiction
The Sign of the Dragon. This book takes a look at the Biblical signs that point to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His church (which may happen far sooner than many people think).

The Unbiblical Church. This book takes a look at the unbiblical practices of the modern church. (PDF file; 174 pages)

Biblical Oddities. This book takes a look at various odd things in the Bible, ranging from the mysterious Watchers to the time that God tried to kill Moses. (PDF file; 156 pages)

The Kings of Israel and Judah. This book takes a look at the 41 men (and one woman) who ruled over Judah and Israel.

Even So, Come, Lord Jesus. This is a collection of essays on the topic of the Second Coming. Written from a premillennial, pre-Tribulation rapture perspective. Includes a rebuttal of preterism and amillennialism.

Prayer and the Will of God. Why does God grant some prayer requests and not others? What are the principles of prayer? This book takes an in-depth look at the prayers of the Bible and reveals what prayer is really all about. (PDF file; 264 pages)

Creation. The lessons cover Biblical Creationism, Cain and Abel, the Sons of Adam, the Nephilim, and the Flood. (PDF file; 149 pages)

Abraham. The lessons cover Babylon, the life of Abraham, the order of Melchizedek, defiling the land, Israel’s right to Canaan, and covenant theology versus dispensationalism. (PDF file; 124 pages)

Supernatural Beings. The lessons cover angels, demons, aliens, and ghosts. (PDF file; 93 pages)

The Case for Christianity. The lessons cover the case for the Bible, the case for Jesus, who was Jesus, and the case for the resurrection. (PDF file; 140 pages)

Ecclesiastes. These lessons cover the book of Ecclesiastes, which is one of the hardest books of the Bible to understand. (PDF file; 79 pages)

Malachi. These lessons cover the book of Malachi, which is the last book in the Old Testament. (PDF file; 103 pages)

Psalms. These lessons cover the book of Psalms, which is the longest book in the Bible. (PDF file; 72 pages)

Collected Sunday School Lessons (2008 – 2009). Includes studies on Heaven, the Nephilim, the justice system in the Mosaic Law, and a great deal more.

Collected Sunday School Lessons (2010 – 2011). Includes studies on Calvinism, Bible codes, Mormonism, the supposed age of accountability, and much more.

Collected Sunday School Lessons (2012 – 2013). Includes studies on UFOs, Bible translations and the KJV issue, a detailed look at what the Bible has to say about fools, a study of the book of Job, a look at the appearance of Christ in the Old Testament, and much more.

Collected Sunday School Lessons (2014 – 2018). Includes studies on the wise men, Philemon, the Puritans, the resurrection of Jesus, and much more.

The Jon Monthly. This is a collection of newsletters that I wrote when I lived in China back in the early 1990s.

Dinosaurs In History – a scrapbook of many dinosaur sightings that have been made throughout history, along with other evidence that dinosaurs and man lived at the same time.

E-Books – Non-Fiction – Commentary
In order to learn what the Bible has to say, I wrote commentary on every verse of every book of the Bible. (I learned a lot from reading the Bible; I learned far more when I had to sit down and explain each verse.) Although it was only written for my own purposes, I’ve decided to make a portion of it available to those who are interested:

Daniel. Commentary on the book of Daniel.

Habakkuk. Commentary on the book of Habakkuk.

Haggai. Commentary on the book of Haggai.

James. Commentary on the book of James.

Joel. Commentary on the book of Joel.

1 John. Commentary on the book of 1 John.

2 John. Commentary on the book of 2 John.

3 John. Commentary on the book of 3 John.

Jonah. Commentary on the book of Jonah.

Lamentations. Commentary on the book of Lamentations.

Nahum. Commentary on the book of Nahum.

Obadiah. Commentary on the book of Obadiah.

Philemon. Commentary on the book of Philemon.

Philippians. Commentary on the book of Philippians.

1 Thessalonians. Commentary on the book of 1 Thessalonians.

2 Thessalonians. Commentary on the book of 2 Thessalonians.

Zechariah. Commentary on the book of Zechariah.

Zephaniah. Commentary on the book of Zephaniah.

E-Books – Non-Fiction – Commentary – Appendices

These are some of the appendices that I wrote and added to my commentary of the Bible. (The appendices are probably the best part.)

The Age of Accountability. There is no Biblical support for the “age of accountability”.

Bible Codes. “Bible Codes” are a real phenomenon, and are compelling evidence that God wrote the Bible.

Catholicism. The Catholic church is not a Christian church. Instead it is a pagan institution that is leading more than a billion people to Hell.

Contending For The Faith. The old saying “major on the majors and minors on the minors” isn’t as Biblical as people think.

The Theology of Covenants. The Bible doesn’t teach covenant theology or replacement theology. Instead it teaches dispensationalism. God has not replaced Israel with the church, and He never will.

Divine Choice. This is my defense of predestination (also known as Calvinism).

Signs of Genuine Faith. The Bible tells us how we can examine our lives to determine if our faith is real and we are truly saved.

Gluttony. What the Bible actually says about gluttony has been almost universally misunderstood.

The Global Flood. The Bible teaches that the flood of Genesis was a global event, not a local flood.

Good Friday. Jesus died for our sins on a Thursday, not a Friday.

Heaven. A look at what the Bible has to say about Heaven. (It says quite a lot!)

Heavenly Treasure. Jesus commanded us to lay up our treasures in Heaven. This is how to do that.

Festivals and Holy Days. This is a look at the festivals and holy days that God put into the Mosaic Law (Passover, Pentecost, etc.). Those festivals are a prophetic calendar that point to the person and work of Christ, and we need to understand them.

Rules of Interpretation. Use these rules to interpret the Bible.

Blessing and Cursing Israel. God promised to bless those who blessed Israel and curse those who cursed Israel. That promise still holds true today.

The Millennial Kingdom. An in-depth look at what the Bible has to say about the coming thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. (It says quite a lot!)

Mormonism. Many people think that Mormons are Christians, and Mormonism is like Christianity. Both of those beliefs are wrong. The gospel of Mormonism is completely different from the gospel that Protestants believe.

The Nephilim. The Bible teaches that before the flood, fallen angels had children with human women and produced a race of giants that was partly human, partly demon, incredibly powerful, and completely wicked.

Those Who Never Heard The Gospel. Those who haven’t heard the gospel are on the road to Hell.

New Revelation From God. God is no longer giving us new revelation today.

The Mathematics of the New Testament. The New Testament doesn’t have Bible codes. Instead it has something else that points to the fact that God wrote it.

Polygamy. Polygamy is illegal, and even if it wasn’t illegal it’s a terrible idea. However, polygamy is not a sin and never has been.

The Rapture. There are solid Biblical reasons for believing in a pre-tribulation rapture.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you read all four gospel accounts of the resurrection, you may find it difficult to understand exactly what happened on that day. Each gospel only gives a piece of the story, and it’s a challenge to fit all the pieces together. This appendix tells the whole story.

Marriage After The Resurrection. Nearly everyone believes there is no marriage after the resurrection, based on a cursory look at what Christ told the Sadducees. However, it’s not quite that simple.

Sabbath Keeping. God does not require the church to keep the Sabbath. That commandment doesn’t apply to us today.

How Salvation Works. There are many people out there teaching all sorts of false doctrines about salvation. This is how it actually works.

The Principle of Separation. God requires us to separate from sinful organizations, not join forces with them to accomplish a common good.

Textual Criticism. The big difference between the King James Bible and all other modern translations (including the NKJV) is that they are translations of entirely different manuscripts. I trust the manuscripts that the King James Bible is based on. I don’t trust the manuscripts that all other modern Bible versions are based on (NIV, ESV, etc.).

“Thee” vs “You”. The reason the King James Bible has “thee” and “you” is because they actually mean different things, and the translators wanted to preserve that. Modern translations have obliterated that distinction, and that’s bad.

Timeline. This is the events of the Bible, in chronological order, with dates. If the PDF is hard to deal with, you can find a web-based version here.

Tithing. The modern practice of “tithing” bears no relationship to what the Bible actually has to say about tithing. On top of that, God never asked the church to tithe in the first place. Instead He gave us a very different set of instructions.

The Wife of Jehovah. It’s common knowledge that the church is the bride of Christ. What many people don’t know is that the Old Testament teaches that Israel is the wife of Jehovah.

Wine. The Bible teaches that although alcohol can be abused, wine is a blessing. The Bible doesn’t teach that drinking alcohol in any quantity is a sin.

E-Books – Fiction – Professor Grimes
Paranormal Studies 313. The eccentric Professor Grimes teaches a course on aliens, ghosts, crop circles, and much more.

Christianity 101. Professor Grimes returns to teach an “introduction to Christianity” course to seminary students who think that Noah’s wife was Joan of Arc.

E-Books – Fiction – The Stryker Series

Stryker #1, On The Edge of Eternity. An artificial intelligence from the distant future sends a robot back in time in order to save humanity from destruction.

Stryker #2, In The City of Tomorrow. Two parents search for their children, who are lost in time.

Stryker #3, The War of the Artilect. An artificial intelligence wages war against a civilization that died long ago.

Stryker #4, Beyond the Farthest Star. Heaven watches with interest while a teenage girl is forced to decide the fate of two worlds.

Stryker #5, At the End of Eternity. The planet Earth is given one last chance to change, before the Lord returns and ushers in the eternal era.

Stryker #6, In The Ages To Come. This book chronicles the life of Victor Stryker in the years before he died, and in the long ages after he was vaporized.

E-Books – Fiction – My Little Pony
Yes, I have written several My Little Pony novels. Why? Because there was a time when there was a huge number of people who would read My Little Pony fan fiction. More people read my My Little Pony novels than everything else I’ve ever written combined. Since there was a vast and eager audience, I targeted them. These books do have elements of Christian theology in them, although it’s not explicit.

The Fall of Night. The Necromancer has risen again, and is using his army of the undead to wage war against the country. The only thing between him and total world domination is the courage, determination, and love of the most hated being on the planet. Victory over the undead is possible, but it will come at a high cost. Why would anyone fight to save a world that hates them?

The Shadow Keeper. A short story that takes place after The Fall of Night.

The Might of a Quill. What would happen if you could make your dreams come true, and create anything you wanted from nothing? What if everyone could do that? Could the world itself survive?

The Choice. Death tries to make a bargain – but his terms are not very favorable.

The Last Enemy. This is a sequel to ‘The Choice’. Death battles a formidable enemy – but he still has a powerful card to play.

E-Books – Fiction – Miscellaneous

Final Destination. My first novel. This sci-fi story tells the tale of a planet that was about to be destroyed by an exploding star – and the attempts of its inhabitants to escape total planetary destruction.

Jack Falcon #1, Jack Falcon and His Quantum Singularity. The first book in a new science fiction series that I started. (I meant to write more books in the series, but I never did.) In this volume a new colony is being threatened by seismic disturbances. One of the colonists discovers the problem is far more serious than originally thought – and begins a race against time to save everyone.

E-Books – Tom Swift
The Complete Tom Swift Home Page. (This is my Tom Swift website, compiled into a single PDF.)

Tom Swift Jr #34, TOM SWIFT AND THE EXTRASOLAR PLANET. A teenage inventor tries to save an alien race from destruction.

Tom Swift Jr #35, TOM SWIFT AND HIS NUCLEAR HYPERPLANE. A group of talented young people try to save a city from nuclear destruction.

Tom Swift Jr #36, TOM SWIFT AND HIS CLAYTRONIC STONES. A man with a broken heart tries to change the past in order to save someone he loved.

Tom Swift Jr #37a, TOM SWIFT AND THE SUNLESS OCEAN. The first third of a new novel; one day I need to write the rest of it.

Graphic Novels
Space Adventure Issue #1. A space adventure comic that I made as a child, back in the days of MS-DOS and Dr. Halo. Those were the days.