10 Apr 2015
Matthew 13:16-17
Matthew 13:16: “But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.
17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.”
It is vital to learn early on that Jesus does not treat people fairly in the sense that everyone is given exactly the same things. Some people are given more talents, money, or opportunity than others. One person may desperately want children and have none, while another might hate kids and end up with six of them. The disciples were given information that was hidden from the prophets – many of whom died serving God. The prophets missed out through no fault of their own.
Why does God do this? Because it pleases Him. The world is His, and the people in it are His creation. As Paul said in Romans 9, does God not have a right to do as He sees fit with His creation? If He wants to give one person honor and withhold it from someone else, who can tell Him that He has no right to act in that way? He is the Creator. He can do as He pleases – and all of His judgments are true and right. No one deserves honor; it is a gift – and one that God has every right to give to those whom He sees fit.
No prophet was owed divine revelation; none of them had a right to say “God, you owe me an explanation”. If God wants to withhold information from one person and give it to another, that is His right.