26 Mar 2017
Stryker #6, In The Ages To Come – Draft 2
Here is the complete second draft for Stryker #6, In The Ages To Come:
This book is 593 pages long and has 185,165 words. It took a lot of work to get this far. The prologue of the first draft was written on February 4, 2015. It took more than two years to write the first draft and then edit it and produce the second draft.
In The Ages To Come is an enormous story that was very difficult to complete. There are a lot of plot threads and a lot of stories being told, and the adventure spans a lot of years. This is the most critical era in the Stryker saga and yet very little had been said about it before. There was a lot of ground for this story to cover.
The second draft is about 60,000 words longer than the first draft, and is almost a complete word-for-word rewrite of the story. I like the direction the story is going and I think it’s in pretty good shape, but I’m not quite done with it yet.
I would like to create one more revision of the story, to fix a few problems I noticed. This should go much quicker than the second draft did because I’m not rewriting it this time – I’m just tweaking a few things. If all goes well I should have the final draft (and printed copies) available sometime this summer.
For now you can enjoy the second draft. Once the final version of this story is available I’ll post it here.