20 Feb 2013
They Loved The Darkness
I saw something online today that really got my attention. The headline for a video clip was:
“Milton Friedman: minimum wage is the most ‘anti-black law in the land’”
This is how someone responded:
Anonymous: “If you’re going to put his comment in quotes, you have to note that he said the law was the “most anti-Negro law in the land.” It’s what he actually said, and it wasn’t a slur then, and it’s not a slur now. Quotes are quotes, and changing them out of fear is too PC for words.”
The commenter is absolutely right. He had a great point, and he made it well. However, there was a follow-up comment by someone else:
rick s: “get a life.”
This is everything that is wrong with our society in one nice little package. The second commenter made no logical point; he just insulted the person who told the truth. You see this over and over and over again: if you tell someone the truth you will be insulted. You will be mocked. You will be told that you’re stupid. These “haters” don’t have anything logical or reasonable to say, so they just insult you – as if, somehow, saying “Boy are you a loser” is a logical rebuttal to the facts you have brought up.
We live in a world full of absolute morons. Anyone who believes that name calling is a proper rebuttal to a logical argument is a fool. In fact, he is a very dangerous kind of fool, because he is a fool that cannot be educated or reasoned with, and who has an invincible kind of ignorance. The reason the world is going down in flames is because wisdom is despised and foolishness is highly valued.
People tell me all the time “I wish you hadn’t told me the truth. I liked the lie better.” People prefer lies over the truth. They would actually rather be lied to, because they like the lie. They hate the person who tells them the truth because they hate the truth itself. I’m not even talking about religion here; there’s apparently a whole mass of people who love lies in general because lies make them happy and the truth makes them sad. These people will actually come right out and tell you that they don’t want to know the truth because they’re happy believing what they want to believe.
Any civilization that is filled with shallow people who love lies and fight those who tell the truth is a civilization that does not have long to live. Reality always wins in the end.