7 Jun 2012
New Starman Book: The Caves of Mercury
Last year the Starman team wrote a new Starman story – The Caves of Mercury. This story (which, at 5000 words, is really more of a short story than a book) told the story of the first Starmen, and the origin of all Starmen – something the series itself never really talked about.
This story was released last year, but we didn’t really do much to advertise or promote it. The only way to get a copy was to buy the collector’s edition, which at $30 was pretty expensive. However, the story has now been released as an inexpensive paperback:
For those of you who just want to read the story, you can download the entire text right here, free of charge:
The Caves of Mercury – PDF file; 54 pages.
For those who would like to have your own printed copy, you can get them here:
The Caves of Mercury – paperback; $6.
I hope you enjoy the book!