20 Sep 2012
I John 3:5
I John 3:5: “And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.”
I saw a poll today that stated that half of all Christians believe that Jesus sinned. That tells me that half of all Christians are not actually saved. The Bible is crystal clear: “in him is no sin”. Jesus never sinned; this is repeated over and over in the Bible. Besides this, God cannot be tempted by evil. It was not even possible for Jesus to sin!
On top of that, the only way Jesus could save us was if He led a sinless life. If He did not live a sinless life then when He died He would have been suffering for His own sins, not ours. In order to be a sacrifice for our sins He had to be sinless and perfect – and He was.
The idea that Christ sinned is an outrageous lie. It attacks the very heart of the gospel. The sinlessness of Christ is a non-negotiable doctrine. It is one that Christians cannot agree to disagree on. If Christ sinned then our faith is in vain and everyone is doomed to Hell. There can be no compromise on this.