12 Jun 2012
II Peter 2:5
II Peter 2:5: “And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;”
It is very common today to deny that the Flood was a global Flood that wiped out the whole Earth. Even among Christians there are few who believe that it was global in scope. Yet, despite this, the Bible really does teach that the Flood was global and really did wipe out all of mankind except for those on the Ark.
This verse is one of many that support this. Notice that this verse does not even hint at a local Flood. God “spared not the old world” – indicating that the entire world was judged. The Flood was not brought upon Noah’s local area; it was brought “upon the world”. Moreover, there were only eight survivors. Just eight!
The Flood is not myth; it is history. God does judge the nations. He has destroyed the world before and He has promised to do so again – but next time it will be by fire, not by water.