31 Aug 2011
II Timothy 3:16-17
II Timothy 3:16: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
These are such critical verses! Many people in the world today – including many who call themselves disciples of Christ – reject the authority of the Bible (which is something Christ never did). Some people reject the Bible altogether, while others simply reject specific passages that they do not like. However, these verses tell us that all Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine. The Bible is called God’s Word because it contains the very words of God. Those who reject it are rejecting God Himself.
There are some people today who hate the idea of “doctrine” and believe that we should abandon everything but a few “core truths” so that we can all get along. However, that is not a Biblical idea. Nowhere does God say that we’re free to believe the parts we like, reject the parts we don’t like, and ignore the verses that upset the culture around us. God wants us to listen to what He has to say, believe it, and defend it, not throw it out so that the world will love us. Unity comes from believing the truth, not from agreeing to believe in nothing at all.
Also notice the sufficiency of the Scriptures. This passage clearly says that the teachings the Bible contains allows the man of God to be “perfect”, and “thoroughly furnished unto all good works”. That means that nothing was left out and nothing is missing. The Bible contains all of the teachings that we need. In other words, anyone who is looking for “lost gospels” and “hidden teachings” is in error. The Bible is both authoritative and complete.
Those who edit the Bible and remove the passages that they don’t like do so at their peril. God has promised to judge all those who dare to alter His words. The Bible is authoritative, complete, and without error, and God would have us believe and obey it. Those who replace God’s words with their own and do “that which is right in their own eyes” will not find God’s blessings, but God’s judgment. God will not be mocked.