25 May 2011
Galatians 6:9
Galatians 6:9: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
It is so vital that we never give up! In this life the pursuit of holiness (and excellence, for that matter) will often seem to be a waste of time. Those around you will make you feel like you are a fool for trying to live a holy life. Following God may cost you a great deal. It is quite likely that you will not be rewarded for it, and that it will only make your life more difficult, but you must press on regardless. You must keep going.
We have to remember that we are serving God, not ourselves, and the Lord calls us to do good. When the time is right (and that may not happen during our life on Earth) we will be rewarded for what we have done. God will not forget us, nor will He forget our faithfulness. But we have to press on until the end. There is simply no other way. It is a hard road to take, and it is much easier to be faithless than to be faithful. But it is the road that we must take.
This means we have to live by faith, accepting pain in this life for a harvest in the future. But without faith we cannot please God.