5 Mar 2008
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artwork at the end of eternity beyond the farthest star earle neil kinder in the city of tomorrow jack falcon kings oddities photo randomly generated books science fiction second coming short story starman series stryker series theology the war of the artilect Tom Swift and His Claytronic Stones Tom Swift and His Nuclear Hyperplane tom swift jr
Just curious what you are up to lately, I have not seem any writing from you lately. I hope things are going OK. Earle is a friend or is related? I am not sure whether you wrote something of him or not.
I am going to be in Michigan for my daughter’s graduation from Oakland U. and thought it might be nice to try to meet you, but from old addresses (I don’t know a current one) it looks like you may be to far south for diverting.
It seems that I remember in one of your Starman e-mails that you were considering writing another starman book, is that true?
Well since this is a comment for the pictures, I think it might be nice to have a comment on why the author took the picture with each.
Take care,
March 5th, 2008 at 3:03 pmpermalink
It’s great to hear from you! Thanks for writing.
I live in Knoxville, TN, which is about 11 hours south of Michigan. I would love to meet you sometime but that is quite a lot of driving! Congratulations on your daughter’s graduation; that’s very exciting! My brother and sister will be graduating this May.
The pictures were taken by Earle Neil Kinder, who was my father. He died in 1982 when I was two years old. I have no memories of him but I do have a great many pictures he took, as he was a professional photographer. I would love to hear the stories behind them but that will have to wait until I meet him.
I have been doing a lot of writing lately but it has all been on a new series of sci-fi books I’ve been working on. I’m about halfway through the first in the series. I’ll try to post the first chapter in the next few days so you can get a feel for it. I haven’t given up writing, but working on a novel takes up so much time there isn’t much left for working on short stories! :)
I am still considering writing one of the two remaining Starman books (there were two we plotted but never wrote), but I’m thinking that will have to wait until I finish the new series I’m working on.
I hope you have a great day!
–Jon Cooper
March 5th, 2008 at 5:26 pmpermalink