25 Apr 2014

The Lost Doctrines: Biblical Truths the Modern Church Has Rejected

Posted by joncooper

The modern Church is filled with people who have very little interest in the Bible. In fact, it’s now common for Christians to actually disagree with the Bible. Many doctrines have been entirely rejected by our generation. Immorality is accepted. Divorce is not a problem. Homosexuality is now fine. The Bible has been abandoned and replaced with the teachings of our culture.

However, God’s views have not changed – and God will judge the world based on what He thinks, not on what we think. This book was written to call the Church back to the Word of God and the priceless truths contained within it.

If you have been exposed to the modern church then you may be shocked at what this book contains. The American Church has drifted so far from the Bible that many of God’s teachings seem radical and offensive. Yet, these things are exactly what the church needs to hear:

* Everything that happens is not about you
* God is not giving you new revelation
* The modern practice of tithing is not biblical
* Remarriage after divorce is usually a sin
* God does not give a free pass to those who have not heard the gospel
* Most people in the visible church are not Christians

and much, much more.

This book can be downloaded right here, free of charge:

The Lost Doctrines: Biblical Truths the Modern Church Has Rejected (PDF file; 377 pages)

Printed copies are also available, and can be purchased at this link.

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