8 Oct 2013
Revelation 11:14-15
Revelation 11:14: “The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. 15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.”
Now, at last, we have reached the 7th trumpet. When this trumpet sounds there is an announcement made in Heaven that “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever”. That is such an awesome verse!
There is a lot in the 7th trumpet; it will take time (about three and a half years) for all of its events to unfold. There will be terrible suffering on Earth, and millions of Christians will be brutally murdered for their faith. The power of the antichrist will grow, and he will do many terrible things. But the ending is not in doubt. When the 7th trumpet begins to sound the table is turned, and the antichrist’s seeming victory is turned into defeat. Satan forever loses his grasp on the world and it becomes the Lord’s, and Jesus will reign over it for all of eternity. He will never lose it or allow it to be destroyed. Jesus will reign triumphantly forever and ever – and we will reign with Him as well.