29 Jun 2013
Summary of the Old Testament
I have finally completed my summary of the events of the Old Testament. In order to create this I analyzed every book of the Old Testament and put the events in chronological order. The result is a 25-page document that provides a good high-level overview of the entire Old Testament. Under normal circumstances it takes a great deal of time to read through the Old Testament, but this document allows you to go over everything that happens in a matter of hours.
If you have never had a chance to read through the entire Old Testament, this is a good place to start. The document contains more than 1600 footnotes that give the verse references of every event that the summary mentions. This makes it easy to look up passages that you want to learn more about.
The summary can be downloaded right here, free of charge:
The Old Testament (PDF file; 25 pages)
I hope you find this useful!
Updated: For those of you who prefer printed copies, I have turned this into a book and published it on Lulu. You can find it for sale here for $4.99.