18 Jun 2013
Revelation 4:9-11
Revelation 4:9: “And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever,
10 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Do you see how the elders are using their crowns? They are casting them before the throne and using them to bring glory to God. Notice, too, who the elders are focused on. They’re not concerned with glorifying themselves or boasting about all the great things they’ve done; instead they are giving all the glory to God. They are saying that He is worthy “to receive glory and honor and power”. And why is He worthy? “For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”.
The Westminster Catechism says the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We can see this illustrated in verse 11: the elders are glorifying God, honoring Him as creator. He is the one that has created all things, and they were created for His pleasure.
What is the meaning of life? To glorify God. That is what we will spend all of eternity doing.