1 Feb 2013
II John 1:10-11
II John 1:10: “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”
In other words, when people are out spreading a false gospel and guiding people to Hell, we should not help them do it. We should not wish them well, or aid them, or join forces with them.
This should be obvious, but unfortunately it is not. I read an article some time ago about a group of Muslims who were renovating their mosque. Since they could not hold their services in it, the local Christian church invited them to use their sanctuary and hold their services in it instead. People praised this as “showing love”, but I assure you that God was not smiling. That wasn’t love; that was helping unbelievers spread a false gospel that leads souls to Hell. John strictly warns us to not even “bid him God speed”. Can you imagine what he would have said about actually taking the house of God and letting the lost worship false gods in it? This sort of thing is an abomination to God. We need to separate ourselves from evil, not join forces with it and try to help it along.
(I have written about this more extensively here.)