31 Aug 2012
Aliens and UFOs
If you’ve spent your entire life in church, you will have heard thousands of sermons by the time you reach 30. If you attended Sunday School, the evening service, and the Wednesday service, then you would have heard even more messages. In fact, you’ll have heard so many sermons that you can probably predict everything that the pastor is going to say. Simply put, you’ve heard just about everything.
But there are some subjects that are never discussed in church. Even after a lifetime of church attendance I bet you’ve never heard a sermon on aliens from outer space. I know that sounds funny, but I’m not joking. Churches simply don’t talk about UFOs. It never happens. If you want to find out what the Bible has to say about aliens, going to church isn’t going to help you.
That is unfortunate, because the culture is very interested in aliens. According to a 2008 Scripps UFO poll, 56% of Americans believe that life probably exists on other planets. 8% of Americans believe that they have seen an actual UFO. On top of that, according to a 2002 poll commissioned by the SciFi channel, 2% claim to have had an encounter with alien life. That 2% number has been fairly consistent over the past few decades; it keeps coming up in poll after poll. If there are 300 million Americans then that means that six million people claim to have encountered alien life – or, to put it more bluntly, have been abducted.
Most people just laugh at these numbers and move on, believing that the whole “alien” thing is nothing more than fringe lunacy. The problem is that they just assume it’s lunacy without actually checking into it first. Since the Church doesn’t take it seriously, pastors ignore the matter – and since we’re not providing answers, people look elsewhere for the truth. That is very bad, because the Bible actually does address this – and what it has to say is simply not being told.
One thing you may not realize is that UFO sightings have been increasing over the past few decades. In July 1992 there were 32 reported UFO sightings. In July 2002 there were 430 reported sightings. In July 2012 the number of sightings increased to 867. The reported sightings has jumped sharply in the past twenty years. You may not hear about them on the news, but the number of sightings is going up, not down. The UFO phenomenon is not going away.
Another fact you may not realize is that UFO sightings are not a recent occurrence. There are reports of UFOs in documents from ancient Egypt, Rome, and during the Middle Ages. A UFO was seen in Boston in 1639 – and there are many other cases. What has changed in the last century is the frequency of the sightings. In the past they were rare; now they’re quite common.
Now, you may dismiss this whole phenomenon as the work of delusional minds. Maybe people are just seeing things. After all, there are lots of planes in the air these days; perhaps that’s why people are seeing more UFOs. Maybe this whole subject is just a misunderstanding and isn’t worth our attention. In any case, why should we take this seriously? Shouldn’t it just be left to scientists and investigators?
The reason I think it’s worth a closer look is because of what the aliens are telling people during abductions. Now, you may not believe in alien abductions; you may think that these stories are just the ravings of lunatics. But if you read the accounts and listen to the actual claims of the supposed aliens, a picture begins to emerge – and it isn’t a pretty picture.
There are certain common themes that run through nearly all abduction stories. For example, the message that the aliens bring tends to be very religious. They didn’t come here to talk about science; no, what they want to talk about is religion. Aliens often claim that we had past lives:
“Then [the alien] said that it was my choice, that I agreed to all this a long time ago. I said I didn’t remember the agreement … and he answered, ‘Before you were born, and we’ve had this conversation before.” [Taken, p147]
They claim that they are here to help us, and that if we join them we can become one with the Creator (also known as “pantheism”):
“People on Earth, open your doors to our help, for you need it desperately … Join our Confederation and be one with the Creator.”
The aliens claim that they created mankind:
“’Did you create humans, too?’ [the abducted woman] asked, and he confirmed this.” [Taken, p157]
“Aliens genetically changed the DNA of a distant cousin to the ape on this planet … the aliens took the natural evolution and sped it up.” [Alien Contact, p178-9]
They claim that the Bible is not accurate:
“Not all stories in your Bible are accurate because your Bible is not 100% correct…” [Alien Contact, p177-8]
They claim that Jesus was an alien:
“The messages include … exhortations to put the world in order by returning to the ‘Cosmic Laws’ as taught by great Masters such as Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna – all of whom are said to have come from other planets” [Aetherius Society, p12-3]
“The millions that come from other worlds, from far-off galaxies to assist in bringing peace upon Earth, have my staunch support… I am Sandanda, known to you as Jesus the Christ… I am Sandanda, and this is my message to the world.” [Project World Evacuation, p8-9]
“The most controversial thing is the ascension and resurrection of Christ. You see, he went up to a UFO in a beam…” [Alien Contact, p177-8]
“the creators therefore arranged for a child to be born of a woman of the Earth and one of their own people (aliens). The child in question (Jesus Christ) would thereby inherit certain telepathic faculties which humans lack… Mary was the woman chosen…” [The True Face Of God, p60]
There is a great deal more, but I think you get the point. The main thing that aliens want to do is convince people that Christianity is false. Aliens claim that Jesus didn’t actually die; instead, He was beamed up to a UFO and scientifically revived. They claim that Mary was an alien. They claim that Jesus was sent here not to save us from our sins, but to help us advance scientifically – and on and on it goes.
The point is, these supposed aliens spend a great deal of time attacking the Bible, Jesus, and the Gospel. Their message is primarily a religious, New Age message that is a direct attack on Christianity.
This message, incidentally, is having a tremendous impact. People are believing what the aliens are telling them. One person put it this way: “My belief system went right out the window” (1 in 40, p322-3). After encountering aliens, people are not only drawn away from Christianity, but they are plunged into the occult. Alien encounters have the effect of changing the person’s worldview – and this is happening to a great many people! Regardless of what you may think of alien abductions, these people believe that it was real, and their experiences are causing them to reject the Gospel. In many cases alien abductions turn into conversion experiences, as people are shocked by what happened and accept a false gospel. Regardless of whether they were actually abducted or not, their embrace of paganism after the encounter is very real.
This should be a cause of great concern, because the aliens’ message is spreading. Each year people are becoming more interested in what the aliens have to say. The message that they bring is both clear and disturbing: the Bible is false, Jesus cannot save you from your sins, the Earth is on the verge of a terrible crisis, and the only thing that save mankind is if we avoid Christianity and put our faith in the aliens. What we are dealing with here is nothing less than a false religion – a dangerous cult that has led countless lives astray, and that has gone almost completely unchallenged by the Church. (Like I said: how many sermons have you heard about this in church? For that matter, how many Christians know anything at all about aliens?)
All of this brings up a question: does it seem likely to you that extraterrestrial beings would travel thousands of light-years across space, just to come to Earth and tell people that the Bible is wrong? Does it seem likely that an advanced race of beings, with superior intelligence and amazing powers, would spend their time torturing people, sexually molesting them, performing horrifying medical experiments on live subjects, and preaching a false gospel?
Dr. Jacques Vallee put it this way:
“The ‘medical examination’ to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter period of time with fewer risks.” [Confrontations, p13]
John Keel was more blunt:
“The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon…” [Operation Trojan Horse, p299]
What do we know about these supposed aliens? Well, based on abduction reports, the aliens are sadistic, cruel, and heartless. They torture people and molest them. They have tremendous powers. Most of all, though, they attack Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the gospel. Given that profile, isn’t it possible that, instead of extraterrestrials, what we are dealing with is actually demons? What if these aren’t aliens at all, but are evil spirits posing as aliens to peddle a false gospel and inflict horror? This does fit the profile of what we know about them, and demons are known as deceiving spirits.
There is another reason to suspect that these alien encounters are actually demonic in nature: born-again, Bible-believing Christians have never been abducted. Unbelievers are abducted all the time, and people who are involved in the occult are especially likely to have an encounter. (According to research, most abductees have had some sort of involvement with the occult prior to their experience.) But Christians are avoided. In the tens of thousands of known abduction cases that have been studied, not one of them happened to a Christian.
On top of that, it turns out that there is only one way to stop an alien abduction. In nearly all cases, people who were abducted had no power over what happened. The aliens simply took them and there was nothing they could do about it. In a few cases, though, people were able to stop the abduction. How did they do it? In every case it was the same: they called on the name of Jesus. These people were not Christians, but they called on Jesus to help them, and the aliens were terrified. They simply could not stand that Name. The name of Jesus made them flee.
Is there a group of powerful, superhuman beings who is terrified of the name of Jesus? Yes, as a matter of fact, there is. Demons are terrified of the Lord, as the New Testament demonstrates time and time again:
Matthew 8:28: “And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?”
I say all of that to say this. The modern Church has this idea that demonic occurrences were something that happened a long time ago, back when Jesus walked the Earth. In those days there were lots of demon-possessed people, and Jesus fought the demons and cast them out. Today, though, times are different. Demons tempt people to sin, but that’s about it. They don’t go around tormenting or possessing people anymore. That only happened back then, in Bible times. Things are different now – or so the Church thinks.
But what if we’re wrong? What if demons have not stopped seeking whom they may devour? What if they’re still active, and the Church simply hasn’t noticed because the demons picked a particularly good disguise? After all, posing as aliens would be a terrific way to deceive countless people, and there are many who would believe anything an “alien” told them. What makes it even better is that most people think UFOs are “goofy” and just ignore them – which would give demons free reign to do just about anything they wanted. If the demons are behind the UFO phenomenon, I have to say that they’re winning because the Church isn’t even fighting the battle. We’re ignoring it entirely.
Regardless of whether aliens are demons or not, someone is out there destroying the faith of millions of people and bringing countless souls into spiritual darkness. Is this really something that should go unchallenged?