28 Apr 2012

News – April 28, 2012

Posted by joncooper

I don’t normally do news on weekends, but then I saw this:

Mitt Romney’s Gay Spokesman: A Milestone in Republican Politics

I had some hope, before I saw that. But now I realize it’s over. It cannot be denied: both parties – Republican and Democrat – not only support homosexuality, but they have embraced it and promote it. They are both on board with the gay agenda. Neither of them are going to fight it. Locally, yes, some people may oppose it. But on a national level – on a policy level – both parties have given homosexuality their stamp of approval. (You might say ‘Oh, this is nothing.’ But the whole point of the article is that this is a Big Deal. You can’t tell me that nobody thought the implications through. Yes, Mitt Romney supports homosexuality. I don’t care what he claims; his actions – as a candidate, and as a governor – are quite clear.)

This means that it doesn’t really matter who wins in November, because the larger battle has already been lost. Yes, perhaps Romney will destroy this country a bit more slowly than Obama would, but the long-term effects are the same. Not only are neither of them going to fight homosexuality, but both of them will actually promote it – as Obama has done in the past, and as Romney is doing now.

The reason this matters is because God has a big, big problem with homosexuality. There are a lot of sins out there, but there is just a short list of sins that leads to national judgments. Homosexuality is one of those sins that upsets God so much that He will not tolerate it. Once a culture goes that far He destroys it. It leads directly to the downfall of civilization.

There are few civilizations that have been as corrupt as ours. Throughout history, the only times other societies have been this bad was right before God destroyed them. We not only abort our children, but we have aborted them by the tens of millions – and churches are gathering to pray to encourage people to abort even more! We actually murder our children on an industrial scale, and we have a President who supports infanticide. I bet there are few other civilizations throughout history who have murdered as many of their own children as modern civilization has. We’ve probably beaten them all. Nazi Germany has nothing on us: they killed six million Jews, and America has killed 50 million children. We’ve got them beat 8 to 1.

We not only accept homosexuality, but we openly promote it, to the extent that anyone who opposes it is demonized. And churches have not only embraced it, but some have asked God to forgive them for having ever opposed it! We have even gone so far as to have Gay Pride parades, and gay marriage, and even gay armed forces. Our country is an enthusiastic backer of homosexuality in pretty much every way possible – even going so far as to promote it to children in schools.

The church, as a whole, is not opposing it. Both Presidential candidates in both parties support it. As a nation we are determined to go even further down this road. And it will be our doom. This really is the end – it is now just a matter of time. Our demise is certain.

Why? Because neither party is going to try to stop this trend. In fact, both parties are determined to encourage it. No one fears God anymore – not politicians, not parties, and not even the church. But God has not changed. The God who was enraged at the immorality of Sodom and Gomorrah, and who destroyed them, is the same God who is alive today. The God who ordered the complete genocide of the Canaanites and the Ammorites for their immorality is the same God who is alive today. The God who actually destroyed the entire planet with the Flood because of the wickedness of man is the same God who is alive today. His opinion on these things – and His response – has not changed. He will do exactly what He has always done.

Homosexuality is very much like a national cancer. Depending on how aggressive it is, it may kill slowly or it may kill quickly. But it is always fatal. Neither party is going to fight it, and so we will die. The only question is how long it will take. Maybe we’ll be lucky and we’ll live another twenty years. Or maybe God will kill us all by the end of the year. It all depends on His mercy – and this nation is going out of its way to anger God and call down His wrath.

I am not going to support either candidate. The choice comes down to two men: one will poison us quickly, and one will (in theory) poison us not quite as quickly. If two doctors are trying to poison somebody, I’m not going to support the slower poisoner on the grounds that the patient will live longer; instead I will oppose both of them and make it known that they committed their crimes without any help from me. Yes, that may mean the patient will get poisoned quicker. But at least it can be said that I firmly opposed it and refused to help them take innocent life.

At the end of the day, supporting the lesser of two evils means you’re still supporting evil. Are we so far gone that we are willing to support evil in the name of pragmatism? At what point does the evil become so bad that we will draw the line and say “No; this is too much”? Would it not be better to fight them both, and if we lose, at least have the dignity of knowing that we tried to fight it? Isn’t it sometimes better to lose than to sacrifice our principles and our honor?

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