26 Apr 2012
I Peter 4:7
I Peter 4:7: “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.”
Peter said this nearly two thousand years ago. If the end was at hand in his day then it is certainly much closer now! Things are not going to simply keep on going forever. One day Jesus Christ will return and radically alter this world. That day is nearer now than when we first believed, and it draws nearer with every passing day.
Notice that Peter says that since the Second Coming is drawing near, we should therefore be sober and pray. He doesn’t say “Well, the end is near, so just do whatever you want; it doesn’t matter anymore.” Instead he says quite the opposite! The fact that the end is near should instead motivate us to watch and be sober. It should encourage us to pursue holiness, not sin.
Why? Because the Master is about to return. What do you want Him to catch you doing when He comes back? What kind of life will you be leading when He returns? Will you be ready, or will you be caught unprepared?