12 Apr 2012
I Peter 3:1-2
I Peter 3:1: “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.”
These are interesting verses. The Apostle Paul said in Colossians 3:18 that wives were to submit themselves to their husbands (which is something I’ll touch on in a minute.) Here a slightly different question arises: what if the husband is not a Christian? Should wives still follow that command? Peter’s reply was yes, because her submission and obedience would set a godly example that could bring her husband under conviction. By doing this the Lord might work through her to save a soul from death. In short, her submission would be a powerful testimony.
So what we have here are two different apostles that both state that wives were to submit themselves to their husbands. Their husbands might know the Lord or they might not, but either way that does not change things. Now, this command was not given because wives are worth less or are in some way inferior; that is not the case at all. The reality is that God has established an authority structure, with the man appointed as the leader of the family. Husbands are commanded to lead.
The Bible actually has a lot of other things to say about the roles of men and women, both in the family and in churches, but Christians have wholly rejected these teachings. It is a sad thing that the followers of Jesus have no interest in following Jesus’ commands when it comes to gender roles, but that is the situation we face today. This is yet another case where the Word conflicts with the modern culture, so believers have decided to abandon the Bible and do whatever society tells them. This has led to all kind of unhappiness, strife, and failed marriages, but people simply do not see the connection. They just cannot understand why living the way they want leads to disaster.
It honestly frightens me that people who call themselves Christians feel they can look at the Bible and say “I disagree with that teaching, so I flatly refuse to obey it. I will never, ever obey that command. God just needs to get over Himself.” It is one thing to try to obey and fail; that is understandable. We are all sinful and flawed. But it is quite another thing to tell God that you have no intention of obeying Him. That is something no Christian should ever do, and yet it is done all the time and people think nothing of it.
What you must realize is that God will not be mocked. God does not look at disobedience and say “Oh, well, that’s perfectly all right. I don’t really care.” God is just, and will take action – and He will not hesitate to discipline His children. And those who are not His children at all – well, they have even more to worry about.