15 Mar 2012
I Peter 1:4
I Peter 1:4: “To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,”
This is where our treasure is – in Heaven. That is where we will find our inheritance, which cannot be corrupted or defiled. What matters is not what we possess here on earth (for all these things are passing away); what matters is what is reserved in Heaven for us. That is what we are supposed to be looking forward to, and that is where Jesus wants our heart to be.
As Christians we are immortals; we are going to live forever and ever in the awesome presence of God. And yet so many people forget this and get caught up in trying to amass all the material things they can, even though these earthly things will last for just a short time before they are all destroyed. It makes so much more sense to be amassing Heavenly treasure that cannot be lost; in fact, that is precisely what Jesus commands! We are to be in the world but not of the world. Our priorities and interests are to be very different from the lost souls around us that are perishing. Sadly, all-too-often it is impossible to spot any difference between unbelievers and those who call themselves Christians.