28 Feb 2012
James 2:26
James 2:26: “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”
Here we have the Biblical definition of death: a body without the spirit is a dead body. Now, how one can tell when the spirit leaves the body I do not know. But that is the moment when death occurs. A body that does not have a spirit within it is dead.
This may seem trivial, but it is not. What this means is that a body that has a spirit in it is very much alive. It is impossible to murder someone who is already dead; stabbing a dead body is desecrating a corpse, not murder. But stabbing someone who is alive is a very different matter.
You see, the spirit does not enter a person when he is born. The spirit actually enters a person long before that – at conception. As this is something I have talked about extensively elsewhere I will not repeat myself here. The point is that the unborn are people, complete with spirits; abortion is not “disposing of unwanted fetal tissue”; it is murder.
I have noticed over the years that the conversation regarding abortion has changed. At first it centered around killing a person before they were born. Then it changed to partial-birth abortion – killing a person while they were being born. Now it is about live-birth abortion – killing a person after they were born. President Obama vigorously opposed legislation that made it illegal to kill babies after they were born.
There was a case in Canada not long ago where a woman took her baby, killed it, and threw its body over a fence. They got her for littering but gave her a suspended sentence for the murder. The judge ruled that she was just having a late abortion, and if she wanted to kill her children then that was perfectly fine. After all, being a mother is “stressful” and sometimes strangling your kids is the only option.
What we are dealing with is nothing less than the legalization and cultural acceptance of murder. Is someone inconveniencing you? Just kill them. Are your kids a pain? Dismember them. It’s perfectly ok – society understands.
But the Bible is clear: God hates murder. It is not ok and He does not understand. He will judge all those who shed innocent blood. (It always astonishes me that those who support abortion and infanticide are opposed to capital punishment. Apparently it’s only acceptable to kill innocent people. Serial killers must be spared at all costs.) The frightening truth is that God is just. Those who refuse to repent will be punished – every single last one of them, for every single sin they have ever committed. There is forgiveness for those who ask, but those who refuse to repent will face an eternity of unbearable torment at the hands of a very angry God.