6 Dec 2011
Hebrews 4:13
Hebrews 4:13: “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”
Some people think “Well, God does not see” or “God does not care” or “I’ll get away with this.” The truth, though, is that no one ever “gets away” with anything. God knows all and sees all; nothing is hid from His gaze. Justice will always be done, every single time. Those who accept God’s mercy and grace will find forgiveness; those who reject it will face His wrath. There are no exceptions. Every single last sin that has not been covered by the blood of Jesus (and for Christians, all sins are covered) will be brought into account and judged. Revelation tells us that in Heaven the deeds of men are recorded in books, and on Judgment Day those books will be opened and the wicked will be faced with every last evil deed they have ever done. In that day those who rejected the forgiveness Christ offered will have no defense; they will be forced to bear the unbearable, eternal wrath of an angry and spurned God.
It is so easy to forget these truths when watching the news. We tend to expect things to be put right immediately, and when that doesn’t happen we start thinking that maybe sin doesn’t really matter after all. However, the Bible tells us otherwise. God is patient, and is withholding His wrath in order to give people time to repent and seek His forgiveness. Justice will come, in time. As James said, we must have long patience for it. But it will be done.