28 Jul 2011
I Timothy 5:24-25
I Timothy 5:24: “Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.
25 Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.”
This is an encouraging thought. There are some people who commit terrible crimes and somehow get away with it, and there are others who are secretly monsters but no one ever uncovers their true nature. (How many serial killers were never found? How many unsolved murders have there been?) However, everyone will be brought before God and judged; none will escape. Those who repented and accepted Christ will find forgiveness and mercy, and those who refused it will face wrath and eternal damnation. There will be people who thought they had fooled everyone who will discover that their deepest secrets are common knowledge. No one gets away with anything.
At the same time, there are others who do wonderful things but are never recognized for it, or who suffer terribly for doing the right thing. These people are not simply losers; the day will come when they will be honored and remembered. God will not forget them, nor will He allow their good deeds to be hidden forever. What they did in secret He will reward openly.
The key to all of this is that the books are not balanced in this life, but in the next. It is after death that judgment for sin will truly occur, and it is also after death that rewards for faithfulness will be given. If we look for justice in this life we will be disappointed, but if we wait we will find what we are looking for.